Beckon Your Soul through Your Senses!

“Home Spa Goodness”

Welcome friends of “Home Spa Goodness”!  You know this is one of my favorite TOPICS because aside from the everyday doings, my Home Spa is what I turn to daily.    I actually have my Home Spa following me everywhere I go.   Either in a Salve Jar with healing properties ~ all different, depending nohow I feel depends on which one I pick up ands.   For my skin, for my tired feet that have been in socks and shoes all day, or oils and flower essences, essential oils and bath teas that are awaiting me for my Goddess like nurturing bathing rituals.  Even soaps are important to me these days, they have to be special, gentle creamy and pure, just like everything else I put on my body or soak in.  

Self massage is another valuable saving grace,  something I learned from friends and pracititioners in the field of Ayurvedics, and since I have taken this practice to heart, soul  and body on as a routine practice.  I use products that I handcraft, have designed  ~  and also cold pressed sesame oil for self massage when I feel like being all warmed up, rejuvenated and cozy.  By the way, sesame oil self massages are absolutely amazing.   Self massage then (this practice)  has lended itself to my using my ache and pain away salve and lavender shea cocoa butter cream in the very same way.  Usually the longer lasting self massages are done at night before I go to sleep.  For an amazing wonderful dreamy holistic sleep.

 Lately I have been enjoying the use of my Swiss made product line as well, for example  pedi products and a Deo Intim (which this one yes, is for women only) Delightful add to my Home Spa indeed.  Organics and wildcrafted ingredients when picking products to use on my body is most important.   The skin is the largest organ on the body, so we know that as porous as the skin is, to soak in or rub in, things must energize, enhance, support the immune system, encourage healing, relieve stress, regenerate skin cell tissue and the like.  You can be the Lush in Your own Home Spa, just GO AND ADORE on  me, your Internationally Certified Aromatherapist, and The Alchemist @ ASensualBlend.®


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