You are the Essence!



We all come from the same place.  We come through the birth canal, from the other side wherever that might be….a void of some sort, depending on your beliefs.  The Universe is that empty space that we originate from and somehow we have this agreement that we are going to come through a fetus, grow there, and be born?   Well, that is a pretty tall order, some sort of magnificent don’t you think?  If this is so, then  “life and living it is a miracle or in other words a great gift “.  The mystery of this is what keeps me going.  I have an insurmountable amount of faith in the gifts of this Universe, from day to day, month to month, and year to year.  It is faith in which I live upon.  

Your senses have been engaged as far back as you can remember, although I am not sure you can remember being in the womb, and not sure I can either, just think about it for a moment.  You were breathing with every breath of your mom, you were drinking all of the nutrients your mother ingested, and you must have been feeling something, your “senses” were engaged for starters.  You are the “blend of sensual”.  

This word has been misused and misunderstood in this country.  Being from a European background, first-generation American I see and have experienced the difference.   In a country like Hungary where my mother is from, where men hug and kiss one another on the cheek, and sit together in mineral baths (without concern) …you are looking at a culture where “sensual” is a word not misused.  Or perhaps used in a different way than in this country.  

So with this, let’s just get back to my original thoughts.   The grace to which you and were born into goes beyond what we can or do imagine.  It is so large…no matter the struggles,  that we do have,  that chance to remember who we really are!

 Recall your sensual awareness, my friends.  Recall the sense of taste, touch, your sense of hearing, seeing…   We are graced beyond measure with gifts of being that perhaps we yet do not have enough reverence for.   Believe that there is more than you are now and that there are many gems that you have yet not uncovered within.  It is just like your walk on the seashore when finding gems that the tide has brought in for you. The Journey of Self Awareness.  You are a Sensual Blend my friends owning many graces of Gifts yet to be discovered.

Take a walk at dusk, watch the sunset, see how the light changes on the tree leaves, step outside at night and stargaze, think again, think on these things.   You are amazing grace.

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2 thoughts on “You are the Essence!

  1. Andrea says:

    So beautifully spoken, and so true. Let’s not take each day or breath for granted. It is a gift. Let’s all try to be true to ourselves and have compassion. We are all just people here that came here in the same way. Wow, how much we have in common huh. Let’s embrace that.


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